Life After Being an OFW

Five years ago today, we moved back to the Philippines after almost 15 years in the UAE.

In 2018, after years of feeling restless and dissatisfied with what I wanted to do with my life, I decided to quit my job altogether and go back home.

My husband supported this decision (o baka wala na lang sya magawa dahil alam nya na hindi ako nagpapapigil), and on May 31, 2019, after packing dozens of boxes and suitcases, we flew back to the Philippines.

How was life after 5 years?

I won’t sugarcoat it. There have been highs and lows.

The first year was easy. We had savings. We were excited to roll out our plans. We set up businesses, enrolled the kids in school, furnished our home, and bought a car. Exciting times!

Our second year coincided with COVID-19, and suddenly the world stopped. Our second year in the Philippines was truly humbling. We lost our businesses, my mother-in-law passed away, our savings were depleted, and we had no stable income.

It was scary. Very, very scary.

And this is where I want to be honest with you. The excitement is probably the reason why you’ll go ahead and make that major change in your life. Sure, you’ll have doubts if you’re making the right decision, but the excitement and the thought of all the possibilities will push you to just go for it.

But what if the excitement wears off? What if the plan doesn’t pan out?

When I decided to move back home, my Plan B in case our businesses didn’t succeed was to go back to work. I was quite confident in my experiences and skills.

But when it was time to look for that job, I cried.

I “retired” because I didn’t want to be an employee anymore. I wanted to become a stay-at-home mom. I valued my freedom.

But during that time, our finances can’t afford my desired “free” life. I couldn’t be choosy. So I started applying for jobs online.

I won’t repeat the story of how I started VirtualWork PH because I’ve shared this story many times (if you’re new here, you may visit my Facebook page). What I’ll share are the five lessons I’ve learned throughout these five years of being home.

These realizations helped me navigate the many changes that happened to our family since we moved back to the Philippines.

1. Don’t make decisions based on emotions

Emotions are what make us human, and you should feel them and acknowledge them. No shame in that, but making major life changes requires planning, logic, and sense. Are you doing it because you’re just happy or sad? Do you have a Plan B or C? What if it doesn’t work out?

Besides, making a choice doesn’t mean doing something extreme. If you’re an OFW who misses her family and thinks that going back to the Philippines is the only option, have you thought of bringing your family with you? Make sure you’re aware of your many choices.

2. Just do it

I know, I know, this advice is 100% contradicting my first point, but hear me out. Bonnie Ware, a palliative nurse caring for dying people, shared the five regrets of the dying. The most common: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

The number one regret of dying people is that their dreams have gone unfulfilled. It’s not about making a mistake but the regret of not trying at all.

3. Embrace the many seasons of your life

Not until recently did I fully understand that life has many seasons. To truly enjoy life, we have to embrace the current season we are in.

Maybe you’re in your child-rearing season. Maybe it’s now time to go back to work. You might be in your season to take it slow and recalibrate. Or the season to focus on your business or work and earn, earn, earn.

While in your current season, there might be some regret or guilt. You might wish you could take care of your child, but you need to earn a living. Or you might wish you were earning money but really want to take care of your child.

You might be in a season of being sad and dissatisfied, Feeling that nothing in life is going well.

But what if it’s just not the right time? You can’t expect a flower to bloom in the fall.

And if you can accept the fact that your current season is supposed to happen, oh, the clarity! There will be no chasing, no rushing.

4. Don’t feel like a victim

Hindi ka kawawa. You’re not a victim of life. You’re not being punished. You’re not stupid. This is not a consequence of your bad decisions.

Going back to point three, whatever happened was meant to be. You needed to experience it.

Be the hero of your own story. Don’t wait for someone to rescue you.

If things don’t work out, allow yourself to cry and be depressed and feel all the emotions, but please don’t stay in the dark hole for too long. It was a season. It might be a longer winter or a longer fall, but know that these seasons will end eventually.

5. It’s okay to start again

I resisted the idea of joining the workforce again, but I needed to earn, so be it! I needed to set aside my pride and surrender to the fact that some things are beyond my control. It was humbling.

You might start again from the bottom.
You might need to change direction.
You might need to ask for others’ help.

And that’s okay. At least you’re not giving up. You understand that you’re not a victim. You have experienced it and learned from it. You now know better.


Do I regret going back home?

Nope. Not at all.

I miss Dubai because I spent more than a decade of my adult life in that city, but I don’t miss the life I had there. It was an experience that I’m grateful to have. We’re planning to visit next year, Inshallah!

Of course, this can’t be my post and not share helpful details – what is our source of income now? The same skillsets that made us earn well in Dubai are the same skillsets we’re monetizing right now.

My husband and I realized that a traditional brick and mortar business is not for us. We tried few and weren’t successful. We got good work experience and skills so better to focus on those experiences and skills. We now provide our services (think like a contractor), but without the stress of working 9-5.

After that realization and acceptance, money flows.

Gibson worked as a recruiter when he was in Dubai, and he’s doing the same thing currently. The company is based in UK so he gets paid in British pounds. He works fulltime and earn commissions which makes me a happy wife.

I was an Office Manager / Executive Assistant / HR Generalist when I was in Dubai, and I’m now a freelancer Virtual Assistant. I currently have 2 clients and earning both in GBP and USD. I don’t have a time tracker. My timing is flexible, and can sleep for 8-9 hours at night (this is my definition of freedom!)

I’m a home manager, my kid’s tutor, the chef, the ultimate stay-at-home working mom.

All my work experiences gave me the idea to teach others how to become a Virtual EA, too. That’s how VirtualWork started. It’s a source of passive income for me.

We were able to afford travelling again, staying in hotels, eating out in nice restaurants, and giving back.

Starting again can feel daunting, but it is often the most courageous and necessary step we can take in our journey. Besides, you don’t want to be that dying person with regret, right?


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2 years since we’re back. An ex-OFW update

Today is our 2nd year anniversary in the Philippines. Our plane landed on June 1st and it was the beginning of our family’s new life in the country. How are we doing? What changed? Anything we miss? Anything I regret?

I gave an update a few weeks after we landed (Read Here), but as you can imagine, sobrang sariwa pa namin dyan. You can read it first before continuing para hindi ka ma-confused. Go on! I’ll wait….


Commercial muna.. Ganda ko diba?

Done? Ok, let’s continue.

You can imagine that a lot of things happened in that 2 years so let me try to categorized things so you won’t be confused (and me, too!)


I enrolled my kids in a traditional school during our first year. They had a lot of adjustment with Filipino and AP subjects. I honestly didn’t have any idea kung paano nakapasa si Cole sa Filipino. I read his lessons and there was no way he can understand them on his own. Knowing him though, he won’t say anything.

Aside from the fact that he came from a British curriculum and it’s a totally different style here. Masyadong focus ang mga bata dito to memorize things, and madaming quizzes and homework (actually, konti pa nga daw yung homeworks and projects sa school ng mga anak ko compared sa other schools). I never expected high grades from him and he didn’t get high grades which was fine by me at least he passed.

It was the same thing for my daughter who doesn’t speak Tagalog until now. Well, she can understand conversational Tagalog but won’t speak the language except the expression ‘eh‘ (I don’t want eh!) and kanina which she uses even though she meant something that happened last year. I needed to tell her that kanina means earlier. If it was last week or last year then just say it in English because all of us get confused.

Although, both of them said that they prefer studying here. They miss everything in Dubai except school. They really didn’t enjoy the Arabic lessons.

They also made a list of things to eat and do once we go back to Dubai for holidays. I promise them that we will visit once we’re able. Obviously, kelangan pag-ipunan din.

As you know, Covid-19 started last year so Gibson and I decided na i-homeschool sila for SY 2020-2021. It was something I really wanted to do for so long but I was scared na hindi ko kaya. As it turned out, hindi ko pala talaga kaya! HAHAHA.

Masaya naman talaga mag-aral sa bahay…

Seriously though, I LOVE the freedom it gives us. We can go anywhere and adjust the school timing depende kung may lakad kami or wala. But I can’t homeschool both my kids while doing so many things as well. I feel guilty.

So next school year, Biel will return to her traditional school albeit online but Cole will stay homeschooled. He is an incoming Grade 10 and I don’t want to move him anywhere considering that by Grade 11, inshallah, he can be accepted sa school na gusto nya for college.

We also had dogs as pets and they are one of the reasons kaya love nila staying in Pinas. We never had dogs when we were in Dubai because we live in an apartment with other extended family members. Masyadong complicated. But now we have 2 (we had 3 pero na-dead nga lang si Oreo) and we’re adopting another puppy in a few weeks. Excited na naman mga kiddos.


Since Covid started, we asked Ate A to stopped coming to clean our house. Mataas kasi cases sa area kung saan sya nakatira and we don’t want to risk it. Since then, I became 100% in-charge of the household. I’m now the appointed House CEO. Amazing, right? LOL

I can’t believe I can do it considering na hindi nga ako marunong mag operate ng automatic washing machine when I was in Dubai. We always had help when we were in UAE. Honestly, kaya ko naman pala. And you know what, if there’s one thing na lalo ako nacha-challenge is when somebody say na hindi ko kaya.

Many of my family members thought na hindi ko kaya mag-manage ng household but well, nasa kin ang huling halakhak. haha Admittedly though, I would only rate myself 85 – 90 siguro. I enjoy cooking and laundry, but I never do sweeping, mopping, or dusting. I let other members of our household (aka Gibson and the kids) to do them. Well, galaw-galaw din sila noh.

Do you know that I discovered and learned so many tricks and tips to make my life easier?

  • Mr. Muscle Mold and Mildew can really remove yung mga anik anik sa toilet without scrubbing. Amazing!
  • Pare-pareho lang ang dishwashing liquid. Wag na maarte sa brand.
  • Irish Spring soap bar can make the toilet/room smells good. Ang tanong lang is saan mo itatago na hindi magagamit.
  • A microwavable food cover can save you time of cleaning the microwave. Kesa tumatalsik talsik ang food habang iniinit, cover it na lang and voila!

I’ll add it here kung meron pa ko maalala..


2 freaking years! Ang daming pwedeng mangyari in two years diba? And yes, madami talagang nangyari… We welcomed new babies in the family. I have 3 new nieces and nephew all born during the pandemic. Thanks God hindi sila pinangalanan na Covid Rose or Michael Corona.

My mom celebrated her 68th birthday and first time nya naka-receive ng money cake and money bouquet. Napa sana-all ang madami.


Thank God for my mother at lagi nya ko pinapadalan ng ayuda. Love you mom!

Ahh!! I love my mom talaga!

Speaking of mothers, last September, my MIL passed away. It was so sudden and unexpected. It was heartbreaking to say the least. And you know what, that cemented my belief that our return to the Philippines is never a mistake. The fact that we were able to spend a year with her and the kids enjoying their grandma more are something that we will cherish forever. Everything happens for a reason. You’re always where you’re supposed to be. I truly believe that.

We miss you Mama ❤️


Ok, let’s talk about money. Do you know that we spent 3 million pesosesoses in our first year in PH? Yup! Some of it was used as downpayment sa car, others pambili ng gamit, yung iba sa negosyo, the rest was for everyday living.

How much is our monthly expenses? 90k more or less.

20k for groceries
8-11k sa utilities
32k sa car loan
2k sa petrol
10-20k ayuda sa parents
plus school fees, life insurance, at kung anik-anik

A few days ago, we closed our nail salon permanently. It became a liability already and it doesn’t make sense to keep it open. Sa negosyo, hindi ka dapat attached. If it’s not making money, let go. Same way sa staff – hire slowly, fire fast.

My husband also closed the food cart he opened prior to pandemic. This Covid really was a challenge for many small businesses and ours were not spared.

Fortunately, the milktea distribution company is doing well. Since food category sya, never sya nag closed at mas lalo pang lumakas because many looked for extra source of income. My husband also started selling milktea in the village (chill-chill lang) and the profit can easily cover our groceries. Malaki talaga kita sa milktea business.

Ako naman, I started working virtually this year and I get paid around 60-80k monthly. I also have TWP and Allyson Cole Jewel as extra source of income and at the same time where I can be creative, too.

I’m sharing these numbers with you because you know me, I never shy away discussing about these things since hindi naman sya masama. I was looking for these kind of info when I was researching about going back home at wala ako makita. It’s taboo to discuss money and I don’t understand why. People don’t mind discussing kung ano kinakain nila para pumayat (proud pa!) yet pag usapang pera, ayaw nila i-discuss. WHY? Well, kung walang magku-kwento ng money success and failures nila then magiging forever ideas and concept lang ang mga bagay. Rant over.

The first few weeks since we arrived were funny because I keep on converting prices from AED to PHP and obviously I find everything cheap. I needed to remind myself that I wasn’t earning in dirhams anymore so I should stop converting. In a month or so, I adjusted.

The only thing I don’t understand and still upsets me is when stores here put up a sale item. 50 cents ang discount!!! What the fuck! Bwisit talaga ko. I came from a city na may 90% off kaya hindi ko matanggap yung 50 cents or 2% off. Nakakaloka!

BWISIT! Proud ka pa nyan SM??! Actually, mali pa sila ng numbers dyan. Mas nagmahal pa ng 50 cents kesa original price. Pansin mo?


Mainit sa Pilipinas. Sure, mas mainit sa UAE pero lagi kami nasa aircon. Never nga ako pinagpapawisan sa Dubai eh. House-car-office-car-house lang ang routine ko. Walang chance na mainitan. That’s why I don’t shampoo my hair everyday when I was in Dubai. Pero dito sa Pilipinas, nakakaloka! At since mahal ang kuryente, you can’t afford na bukas ang aircon 24/7.

Pero nowadays, we risk high Meralco bills. Sabi nga ng mom ko, mahina ang 5k sa hospital. So hindi bale ng mataas ang electricity bill because nag aircon kesa sa hospital bill mapunta ang pera dahil na heat stroke. May point si mother…

Ang dami naming jacket na hindi nagagamit. Sayang ang mga damit ng mga bata kasi una, hindi naman sila makalabas dahil Covid nga. And then, bawal gumala outside NCR bubble ekek, and third, except Baguio, wala naman talaga masyadong jacket weather sa Pinas. And knowing my kids, unless below 10 degrees ang weather, hindi sila mag-jacket. So san kami pupunta?

Kapag nagbukas ang Baguio, we will definitely visit again. Yan lang yung malayu-layo na napuntahan namin before lockdown. The kids enjoyed it.


Settling back in the Philippines is truly a decision you shouldn’t take lightly. Madami akong kakilala na bumalik na or gusto ng bumalik sa ibang bansa para magtrabaho ulit. And I don’t blame them.

Unless retiree age ka na talaga at enjoying life na lang ang goal mo sa life, returning back home will push you to step out of your comfort zone in many ways you can’t imagine. It will truly test your determination and grit.

Kakayanin mo ba?
Gugustuhin mo ba?

At the end of the day, it will be a choice. Ano ba mas importante sayo?
Personally, I value freedom. Freedom to do things that I truly want that I’m willing to step out of my comfort zone many times over to achieve it. I know for a fact that I’m not driven by money kasi kung pera lang, I was offered half a million pesos just to stay in my former job but I declined.

But we have different seasons in our life and some are in a season na kailangan nila i-prioritize ang financial stability nila. I understand that. For me, I would rather focus on what I want and figure out the financial aspect as I go along. Besides, I believe that money is everywhere kaya siguro madali lang sakin kumita ng pera. If you want na dumami din ang pera mo, you need to improve your abundance mindset. I seriously suggest you book me as your mentor. No kidding, it’s now time. CHECK IT OUT HERE.


That’s it pansit. I’m glad I got the time and sipag to write this post. I was planning to do this on our first year anniversary pero obviously tinamad na. If you have any questions, just comment down below or PM me. Hanapin mo lang ako, nakakalat lang naman ako sa tabi-tabi.

Take care my friends. Love you all!


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I love you

Well, not romantically, but I love you guys.

The day was slow and I thought let me check the Google Analytics for this blog. What a pleasant surprise that this little blog of mine still commands thousands of views per month considering I rarely post since unless you’re not aware, I’m not a Filipina Expat anymore.

I guess it helps that I’ve written some long, interesting, and useful content about Dubai and UAE in general and that still draws readers. I am even being approached by Dubai-based businesses for collaboration. It’s humbling to know that.

Another interesting data on this blog is that there are still many returning old readers. Awww! Guys, thanks for still checking even though I’m a useless content creator these past few months. I’m not really sure what to write now that I’m not in UAE.

I mean, you’re there and I’m here. We’re thousands of miles apart and I’m not sure if our love can sustain the distance. CHOZ. Seriously though, I can’t relate with you anymore guys. I stopped reading Gulf News (hello!!! I’m being asked to register. wth!) and I kind of hate you because you guys can live normally as if there’s no virus (LUCKY YOU!!!!) while we’re stuck here and my kids haven’t been inside the mall for almost a year now.

Even though I hate you guys, know that I love you.
The same feeling I have with our government officials. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I hate them.

Anyways, what do you want to see from this blog? Do you want to read more about my Philippine escapade? Like dining places and trending food in the Philippines? I actually re-activated the Filipina Expat Facebook page just because I do have a plan to rename it. Maybe change the name from Filipina Expat to another brand? What if I used my name?

Ideas guys! Help me!!!

I’ll end this post with ala White Castle picture of mine dahil baka miss nyo na ang fez ko.

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Is it easy to find job in Dubai?

Is it easy to find job in Dubai?

Is it easy to find job in Dubai?

I’ve been receiving lot of questions both from people I know and from readers on how they can come to Dubai. Most of the queries are:

  • Is it easy to find a job?
  • How much is the salary?
  • Can you sponsor me?
  • How much is the visa/air ticket?
  • What’s the procedure of getting a visa?

I received this mail from Arlyn and instead of replying to her directly, I thought why not just write a post about it. It would spare me from repeating myself to friends and family asking on how to do it.

I also have a question. I’ve been planning to go there in Dubai for a greener pasture opportunity. However, I don’t have any relatives there whom can assist me with the Visa. Is the cross country thing safe? Say, I’ll go to HK then Dubai and I believe there is Visa offered upon arrival. Will that work?- ARLYN

I first came to Dubai as a visit visa holder, too.We were a group of friends who tried our luck in this city and stayed in Satwa as bed spacers. Since I didn’t have a laptop yet (and there’s no wifi in our villa), I would visit computer shops everyday and apply for jobs online. I also experienced doing ‘walk-in applications’ (submitting resumes to companies even though they don’t have any vacancy). I consider myself lucky that I found a job as a receptionist in a catering company just two weeks after I landed. It wasn’t the case with my friends and some of the people I know who needed to ‘exit’ (a term which means exiting UAE and come back either on a visit visa or employment visa). Continue reading →

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You survived!

Dear Self,

What a freaking 2020, right? Just like the rest of the world thought initially, 2020 seems to be an amazing year to start the decade. Everybody wants to start the year (and the decade) on the right track.

Goals were set, dreams envisioned, plans made – then this pandemic hits us hard. Being the always optimistic, glass-half-full girl, you decided that this is just a setback and we must endure. And endure we did.

The thing is, there were many times it’s so tiring to continue, and you lost count the times you cried in the shower. You cried for all the loss, for the uncertainties, you cried because of fear and disappointment. You cried alone because you don’t want anyone to see that you’re hurt and sad and scared. You’re supposed to be strong and inspirational. The one person they can go to for advice and vent their frustration. You’re supposed to lift them. But who’s lifting you?

One thing 2020 taught so many of us is how STRONG and RESILIENT we all are. I’m so proud of each and every one of us for surviving this shitty year. Because even though we cried, and cried, and cried, we still manage to get up and get through. It ain’t easy, we don’t want to do it, but a strong woman knows that this too shall pass.

It’s so amusing to remember the roller coaster of emotions you went through:

January to March – “GIRL POWER! I can conquer the world!”
April to June – “this is just a setback, everything will be okay”
July to September – “I fucking hate it. I just want to curl up and cry in the shower for 5 hours”
October – “Oh well, now what? Crying is tiring.”
November – “Maybe I can start again.”
December – “You survived bitch! Any plans for 2021?”

Self, I appreciate you. In spite and despite of everything, you did it.
Your spirit might have gone low but you constantly try to lift it up through your faith, through your beliefs, through the sheer mental power to fuck 2020! haha

I’d like to say that I hate 2020 because of all the shit that happened but honestly, I don’t. Many amazing things have happened too. Focusing on what didn’t happen or what we lost is human but counting what we have gained and didn’t lose is gratitude. And despite of everything, gratefulness for what we still have is what drives us to continue.

You deserve to do something for yourself. Pamper yourself, buy yourself that shit you wanted for the longest time, travel, take a break, read a book alone, do everything, or do nothing if you want – just take care of yourself these coming days. You fucking deserve it!

Next year, I know you’ll be reborn. You’re stronger, you’re wiser, you’re determined more than ever. 2021 should better be so ready because you’re so ready for her!


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Ano ang nasa dako pa roon?

Aloha! I just renewed my Filipina Expat domain with no further plans on what to do with it. You probably know that I have and you’ll see regular blog posts there.

Now that I’m back in the Philippines, the brand The Wealthy Pinay will be a source of income for me – workshops, books, speaking engagements – so giving it more time is a must.

However, bilang isa syang wealth/money mindset/business blog, I can’t really post this random, useless, entertaining, witty thoughts that I want to share to the world just to unload. So until I figure out what to do with Filipina Expat domain, you’ll probably read more from me. By the way, wala ng FB page ang Filipina Expat dahil ang mga messages na nare-receive ko doon ay puro lalake, “Looking for a Filipina girlfriend/wife”, “How are you?”, “Can we be friends?”. Nakakaloka!

It has been more than 4 months that we’re here in PH and so far so good. Let me put this in section para mas madali basahin.

The Kids

They still say they miss Dubai, their school and their friends. But if I ask them if we should go back and live in UAE again sasabihin nila na ayaw nila. They’re glad not having Arabic lessons. They hate flies, mosquitoes and ants (which is aplenty here). They experienced their first flying ipis and I thought they’ll have a heart attack.

Cole is quite surprised that the Christmas season starts very early. Ayaw nya ikabit ang Christmas tree until after Halloween. For him, it’s strange that there are more Christmas than halloween decors samantalang October pa lang. He was also very surprised na kaya tinawag na BER season is because lahat ng months ending with BER. Kala daw nya kasi malamig, you know ‘BRRRRR’ 😂


Meron kaming exit strategy bago kami umuwi. It’s not that we decided to pack our bags and then left. We saved and planned assuming we won’t earn for more than a year or two.

Let me be frank here, until now, we’re not generating income yet. Lahat ng pera palabas. Well, there’s little money coming in (from my training, books, dividends from stocks) but not enough to pay even for our groceries.

Am I worried? I would say that there would be a 3-second nega thought that creeps in (“My gosh, baka maubos na ipon namin!”) but I would replace this negative energy into a positive one agad-agad (“I’m grateful for the life I have now. Thank you Lord for giving me the courage to follow my dreams.”) and then I take actions.

I’ll give you another update after 1 year maybe, you like?

Mental well-being

Just today, I wrote in my journal how grateful I am for experiencing this life I have now. This was just a dream before.
Waking up, taking care of the kids, sending them off to school.
Writing in my journal peacefully, doing work that I’m really interested in and passionate about.

I just used to daydream and run this scene inside my head. Pero ngayon, this is my reality.

I’m more challenged to succeed nowadays dahil wala na kong financial safety cushion aka regular work. However, I’m happier and feel immense gratitude for the life I have right now.

Mas madami ng time mag selfie with filter 🙂

Until next time amigos and amigas, please say Hi and let me know if you want more of Filipina Expat musings 🙂

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Hindi kasalanan ang maging tibo at bakla

I’m with you brothers and sisters. love, love!

Ok, I’m triggered! Just had a heated conversation with someone and I had to back down because I think our discussion was going nowhere and it’s just a waste of energy. Buti na lang may blog ako and I can continue my battle 😂

So this person said that she respects LGBTQ community and has nothing against them BUT she doesn’t want her children to be one. If she has a choice, she would ‘guide’ her kids to have their own family and be traditional.

And I f*cking disagree! How hypocrite it is to say that you ‘support’ LGBTQ when in fact at the back of your mind you see them as different. How can you say that you are a feminist or fights for equality when you are freaking sexist! I think those people who fight racism but then dissed others who cannot be categorized directly as either man or woman are plaster saints. I’m not saying that they are bad people, it’s just that they feel righteous when they’re not and I hate it!

I know, I know, religious fanatics say that God created only a man and a woman and I don’t disagree with that. But have you heard about evolution? How the earth and everything in it changed gradually over million of years? I don’t think gays and lesbians chose to be who they are now. It’s just how they are. The same na Pinoy ka, wala kang choice! And as a parent, you can’t say “Anak, paglaki mo gusto ko maging Japanese ka ha? I-guide kita para maging hapon ka. Mas maganda kasi na maging hapon.” Doesn’t make sense right?

Do I prefer my child to be gay?

I don’t think it’s a correct question. If my son is gay, then he is gay. I can’t ‘influence’ him to be one or not. There is no acceptance required. Ano? Kapag straight na babae or lalake automatic accepted and then kapag bading or tibo may acceptance pang kelangan? Anak mo sya diba so bakit may acceptance pang nalalaman?! Hay naku, triggered talaga si aqoh!

This is my blog and this is my opinion. I can say whatever I want and if you have any issue with it then gawa kayo ng sarili nyong post. If you want to comment, let’s agree to disagree but I will delete bastos and mal-educated comments, ok?

Rant over. Love you ❤

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Buhay pa po

Buhay pa po (English translation: Still Alive)

It has been 2 months since I posted something for this blog and I rarely shared anything on any of my social media accounts. You may want to read this post I wrote for The Wealthy Pinay.

Anyhoo, I have a long list of posts I would like to share like my Belgrade trip, our Australian trip, the continuation of our Hong Kong trip last year (grabe noh?) and reviews of many restaurants we tried.

My phone has so many draft posts of things I want to share with you and I wonder when I’ll have the energy to finish them. You think blogging is easy? Yes, I thought too. Well maybe it’s easy if I won’t care about how others will feel about the post. But I just don’t want to dump photos and not share some useful info. Continue reading →

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Behave like your husband’s mistress

My college buddies started a Messenger chat group and it’s a blast!
Technology has its disadvantages for sure but perks can’t also be denied.
It’s been a while since I talked to them and it’s fun to reminisce the inside jokes, the previous love teams, and the latest happenings of our lives. Continue reading →

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About menopause and writing blocks

Wonder what’s with the title? Read on.

I am very very very keen to write something for this blog. I’ve been very quiet here for weeks now and totally not happy about it. I’m trying not to beat myself for being an absentee blogger because, you know, I have to focus on other things too (like The Wealthy Pinay). But I’m still trying anyways.

Sunday evening – I thought I’ll write about menopause because I have something witty to say about the topic.
But I need to eat first. Then I realized I want to read a book after dinner.
Monday evening – I started writing about menopause and managed to write few sentences. And then watched the semi-finals of Tawag ng Tanghalan.

Today, Tuesday, I added few sentences more. For TWO FREAKING DAYS I only managed to write 2 paragraphs.
And the worst part is I don’t know how to continue writing about the topic.


I have my period today (TMI!) and it made me think if I’m going to miss my period once it’s gone.
I’m far away from getting menopausal although I wonder how I’ll feel once this monthly thing won’t visit me anymore.

When Biel was born, we know that she’ll be our last child. So I googled on ways how not to get pregnant and that’s when I learned that menopausal symptoms only starts from age 50 in average.
“That’s how long I will take contraceptions?”, so I decided we’ll just do the natural way to avoid having another baby.


And that’s it.

I can’t even recall why I want to talk about menopause.
What am I thinking that Sunday evening? Why did I even think this is an interesting topic?
I have no idea.

And now I’m stuck with this 2-paragraph draft. I can delete it for sure but it’s like wasting 2 nights of writing. And every paragraph for me these days are important.

So please, if you want to guest post here, I will be very thankful.

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