Well, not romantically, but I love you guys.
The day was slow and I thought let me check the Google Analytics for this blog. What a pleasant surprise that this little blog of mine still commands thousands of views per month considering I rarely post since unless you’re not aware, I’m not a Filipina Expat anymore.
I guess it helps that I’ve written some long, interesting, and useful content about Dubai and UAE in general and that still draws readers. I am even being approached by Dubai-based businesses for collaboration. It’s humbling to know that.
Another interesting data on this blog is that there are still many returning old readers. Awww! Guys, thanks for still checking even though I’m a useless content creator these past few months. I’m not really sure what to write now that I’m not in UAE.
I mean, you’re there and I’m here. We’re thousands of miles apart and I’m not sure if our love can sustain the distance. CHOZ. Seriously though, I can’t relate with you anymore guys. I stopped reading Gulf News (hello!!! I’m being asked to register. wth!) and I kind of hate you because you guys can live normally as if there’s no virus (LUCKY YOU!!!!) while we’re stuck here and my kids haven’t been inside the mall for almost a year now.
Even though I hate you guys, know that I love you.
The same feeling I have with our government officials. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I hate them.
Anyways, what do you want to see from this blog? Do you want to read more about my Philippine escapade? Like dining places and trending food in the Philippines? I actually re-activated the Filipina Expat Facebook page just because I do have a plan to rename it. Maybe change the name from Filipina Expat to another brand? What if I used my name?
Ideas guys! Help me!!!
I’ll end this post with ala White Castle picture of mine dahil baka miss nyo na ang fez ko.