I’m still alive!

I’m still alive!

Nope, I’m not yet dead. I haven’t posted anything on my social media accounts for two weeks now. I am just lurking on Instagram and Facebook, liking and commenting but didn’t post anything. Not that I’m hibernating and didn’t go out these past few weeks. On the contrary, I’ve been eating out, done some activities and had enjoyable weekends.

But the problem is I don’t find these activities ‘bloggable’. I mean, the restaurants I’ve visited are restaurants I’ve dined before, several times already even before I started blogging. The novelty wears off and I feel that it won’t interest my readers anymore.

Well, I realized one thing. Yes, maybe everyone I know already dined at Hard Rock but somewhere out there, there is still someone who hasn’t. Sure, I’ve eaten in Pampageños several times before but it never occurs to me that some people are interested to know how’s the food (which is by the way very good).

So yes, although I wasn’t planning on blogging about the restaurants, I took photos of the places/food we’ve visited/ate and I will share it with you very soon. I don’t care if you find it interesting or not, I will still blog it. Ha! 🙂

Now if only I can find time to do the photo resizing, editing and writing. That’s a different story…


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