Party of One Edition: Café Bateel

Party of One Edition: Café Bateel

So today will mark the start of my Party Of One Edition where I’ll post the restaurants I’ve visited while dining alone. This is mostly my office lunch-outs when I’m fed up eating sandwiches or on those days when I decide not to skip lunch. Of course, office lunch-outs are only possible if my schedule can afford a proper lunch break.

Some people might probably choose not to eat at all rather than to dine alone. It makes them feel awkward maybe because they think it makes one look ‘sad and lonely’. Well, I don’t really mind. Sure, it‘s nice to have someone to talk to while eating but I’d rather be alone than to dine with my least favorite officemate just for the sake of having a company. Besides, I enjoy my own company (although I don’t talk to myself when I’m outside, thank goodness!) and find it really peaceful to just take that 1 hour lunch break without needing to talk to anyone (except when ordering). For sure you had that moments. 

So for my first Party of One edition, I’ve visited Café Bateel in Business Central Towers at Dubai Media City.


Bateel is renowned for its premium dates and different gourmet varieties they made out of it. In 2007, they opened their first Café Bateel which they described as a seamless blend of European café elegance with a distinct character of Arabic heritage. 

I was welcomed by smiling staff who immediately asked me if I want a table for one. I felt like telling her that, yes, I’m loud and proud to eat alone but the nice lady might not get my humor so I just politely said ‘Yes, please’ with a smile 🙂

I scanned the menu and again hard-pressed to answer the most difficult question ever – What should I order? The problem with eating alone is you have to be smart on choosing your meal and with Café Bateel’s vast number of menu selection, you have to exercise your will power not to order everything on the menu. I wanted to start with soup, and then maybe a bowl of salad after. Or have two orders of appetizer. Or go heavy with steak and pasta. Only if I have more than 1 tummy.

Some of you are waiting for the menu photos and I’m glad that Café Bateel has an online menu uploaded on their site. Thank you Café Bateel! See their menu here. But here’s their special season menu just in case you want to know.

After fighting with myself on what to order, I settled with salmon quiche with broccoli and spinach. As much as I want to eat them all, I know myself and how my tummy shrinks during weekdays and only expands only on weekends. Don’t be fooled though. I can eat like an elephant, ask my friends!

While waiting for my order, the smiling lady asked if I wanted some bread. I was like ‘Do I look so hungry that you think I want bread?‘ but of course I said yes because for sure I look hungry and I want some fresh breads.

The bowl of bread came with extra virgin olive oil and date balsamic vinegar. It’s my first time to try balsamic vinegar infused with dates and I don’t know what to

Please tell me where can I order this? It’s just PERFECT!!!

I tried my best not to finished the bowl of bread (it rhymes!) as I started to get full. Good thing that my quiche came in no time.

Flaky, piping hot and I can figure out it’s freshly baked.

And there’s smoked salmon in every bite. Yum!

And since this is the first edition of Party of One, I wanted to order a little extra to celebrate so I asked for their classic cheesecake. This is an American cheesecake with light Philadelphia cream cheese. The serving is good for one or two. I put the cheesecake next to my fork so you can figure out its size.

And here’s some of their desserts.

Overall, my Party of One adventure turned out well today. Sure, I felt slightly awkward specially when I was taking photos but I really don’t mind as I’m an independent, strong and confident woman who doesn’t need anyone to fill my tummy. Choz!

Have you dined alone before? Post your photo on Instagram and tag me. My handle name is filipina_expat. I’ll share some of your dining adventure on next Party of One edition.

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