This is a kind of trip that I don’t want to do at all.
I don’t like hospitals and I’m not fond of doctors. Don’t get me wrong, I admire what they do. But seeing them means something is wrong that can’t be cured by Dr. Google.
Anyways, Gibson has this thing in his left knee which he got during some basketball injury when he was a teen. It’s called meniscus tear or something. I told him it sounds like tea (you know, hibiscus?). He has been complaining about it for years and I keep on telling him it could just be arthritis or gout. We always have it checked and x-rayed and doctors haven’t seen anything.
During our Jebel Jais visit last year, he was accidentally kicked at the knee during one of our jump shots. He writhed in pain for several minutes and that made him decide to have that thorough knee check (MRI and all) to figure out what’s wrong. Doctors found out that aside from the meniscus tear, he also has ACL tear. Please google it. I just know its an injury and nothing else.
Our conversation last Monday went something like this:
Gibson: I got an approval from insurance to do the surgery on Wednesday. Before I ask Adam (his boss) for approval, can you assist?
Pretty LynJoy: Assist what?
Gibson: I might be admitted.
Pretty but stupid LynJoy: ???? (It took me literally a few seconds to figure out what kind of assistance he meant. The insensitive me didn’t figure out immediately). Oh! You mean to accompany you at the hospital. Of course dear. You are more important than work. When is it again?
Gibson: This Wednesday and discharged probably the following day.
Pretty LynJoy: This week!?! I have a meeting this Thursday. I need to present something.
Gibson: ……. (silence for few minutes)
Pretty LynJoy: But of course sweetheart, I will drop everything for you. (Why does it have to be this week??? What will I tell my boss? Can someone cover for my presentation? OMG!!!)
But all’s well that ends well. The boss said we can postpone our meeting to next week and it’s no brainer that I have to attend to my husband’s needs. Aww! My sentiments exactly.
So today is the day. We arrived at 7am at the hospital for his 9am operation.
I wish this is a hotel room, but it’s not.
Getting to know each other phase.
Nurse: What is love? Who is your first crush? Favorite color?…
He can’t believe he needs to wear this disposable underwear
“Do I really want to do this?” Too late baby…
After accompanying him to the operating room, I grabbed a cup of coffee and went back to the room.
Ahhh! Peace and quiet, it’s been a while.
Also ordered some breakfast. It’s so fancy on the menu – poached eggs on toast and omelette with smoked salmon but the fanciness ends there. But it served its purpose, I’m full.
Finally! After more than 4 hours he’s back in the room.
He is sleeping right now. Got some meds for nausea and vomiting. Nurse said it’s a common reaction since he had general anesthesia. I know that he is hungry and thirsty but I told him he needs to sleep and wait for an hour or so until the anesthesia wears off.
I hope we can be discharged tonight. Don’t want to sleep in the hospital although the nurse said that the sofa I’m sitting now can turn into a bed but still.
Have a good day everyone. Remember: Health is Wealth!