I’ve been contemplating of arranging my closet for weeks now. I read an article about a lady who decided to create a capsule wardrobe and how it made a difference in her life. Being an inggetera of course I WANT THAT!
Capsule wardrobe is a term coined by Susie Faux to describe a minimal wardrobe composed of 30 or so clothing which are versatile and high-quality that you can mix and match everytime. It will eliminate my every day dilemma of what to wear every morning.
Have you experienced that? You had breakfast, had a quick shower and very confident that you’ll be in the office on time. But when its time to select your outfit for the day, it took you ages to decide and finally in exasperation cried “I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!!” Story of my life.
So after reading several inspiration from the internet, I go through my closet yesterday and decided I shouldn’t wait any longer and should make this capsule wardrobe a reality.
I started with my hanged clothes. I thought it’s easier to start with them because this is where I search my everyday working outfit so I took them all out. My folded clothes and winter clothes can be tackled on later.
They said that I have to choose 30 or so pieces of clothing. I just need to select 30 of my most favorite items and dispose the rest. Easy. Or so I thought.
Don’t get me wrong. I have always been giving away clothes that don’t fit me or not my style anymore. I have no qualms on disposing things.
I also think of “what if’s”. What if I go to the beach? What if I go to a gala event? What if I will require to wear pink or purple? Or someone invites me to a fab party. A girl needs some choices yah know!
If there’s something you need to know about me, that is I have tendency to buy one design in different colors. It applies to shoes, footwear and bags. If I like a design and its within my price range, I can buy all colors available. I once bought shoes in Carrefour and had all 4 colors. I ended up wearing 2 of them and eventually gave it all away. But hey, at least I’m happy that time.
Are you the same?
Lately, I’m interested with onesie suits but can’t wear them often because I’m always bloated. Don’t want to be mistaken as pregnant.
I also love black and I can fill-in my cabinet with black and dark items
I also realized that I have several items on my closet that haven’t seen the light of day for years like this Ted Baker dress I bought in 2006 and the last time I wore it was 6 years ago maybe. If I haven’t miss this dress for 6 years then it must go!
And I have clothes that has still tags on them. Where were they hiding? 😳
You will never ever catch me wearing red but I bought this Mango top during our Christmas (or was it New Year?) family party and was asked to wear the same color. I never gave it away because what if I will need to wear red again.
Halfway through rummaging my clothes, I felt emotionally tired.
Did I accomplish my capsule wardrobe? Ahhhmmm… Uhmmm… Actually… NO.
It’s overwhelming!!! Selecting 30 pieces of clothes is not as easy as I thought. And I don’t think I’m ready for it.
Ladies who were able to do it has really high EQ. I started and ended up with almost the same number of clothing. I just racked them all back inside the cabinet. Hay buhay!!!
The only good thing that came out of that exercise is I’m able to select few pieces that I can give away, including that Ted Baker dress. That is an accomplishment enough!
If you have a capsule wardrobe or inspired to make one, share yours with us. Maybe your EQ is much much higher than mine.