Real talk!

So, let’s have some real talk. You might think that my life is oh so rosy, full of energy and positivity. But reality is, just like everyone else, I have moments of doubts, fears and mishaps!

Yesterday, I came to office, feeling stressed-out since I have to finish a lot of things before I leave the company (I resigned). I prepared a to-do list and looking forward to a busy and productive day. I will be joining my new company next week so I really need to settle everything. But first I decided to clean up my bag and that changed my whole plan for the next two weeks.

Three days ago, I have a feeling that water spilled inside my bag, my daughter’s water bottle accidently tilted. I put my hand inside and didn’t feel anything so I just carried on. Yesterday, while cleaning my bag, I noticed that my Kidzania vouchers are wet. Oh no! the ‘Valid Until -Date-‘  is not readable anymore. I looked closely and breathed a sigh of relief when I found one ticket that has still a readable validity date. That should be fine. Then next I saw the police report (my BIL had an accident using my car), I again hyperventilated and prayed that it’s not damaged as I don’t want to go to the police station for a new copy. I cautiously unfold the paper and prayed that it won’t disintegrate. Thanks God it didn’t and the notes are still readable. Then one by one, I removed all those wet receipts, business cards and whatnots from my bag. THEN, I saw it! My passport!!! I checked and my heart sank. Some of the texts are unreadable and my photo was severely damaged.

Damaged passport

My immediate thought is our trip to Italy. For sure, I won’t be able to travel with this passport. I checked my options and the only thing I can think of is to apply for a new one. I left the office and immediately went to Philippine Consulate. They told me that it will take minimum of 5 weeks to replace it. Five freaking weeks! It won’t work since we are travelling on 1st April.  So I asked them if I can just fly to Philippines and apply from there. Sure I can, I was told, and processing will only take 7 days. But they told first me to check with airport immigration if I can leave the country with a damaged passport. Otherwise I will need to apply for a travel document. 🙁

So after the consulate visit I went straight to the airport and looked for the immigration office. I showed them my passport and the guy in the counter just said that, yes, I can travel out of the country. I decided to believe what he said and left.

As soon as I reached the office, I immediately purchased my ticket and discussed with my husband if I should bring my daughter. Last time I left her, she was crying non-stop and everyone had sleepless nights. It’s obvious that we should be travelling together. Next thing I did is call my new boss. I explained to her that although we had agreed that I am joining next week, I won’t be able to because I need to travel back home to get a new passport.

You can imagine the guilt, embarrassment and regret that I am experiencing yesterday. All the hassle I went through and the money I’ll spend for a stupid mistake. All my plans were thrown out of the window.

While ranting to my friend, she told me that it’s fine and she was amazed on how fast I thought of a solution. That I was able to finalized everything in a few hours. She said that if it happened to her, she will cry first and wallow in misery.

My sister also reminded me the conversation we had a few weeks ago. I told her how I wish I can rest for few weeks before joining the new company and I realized I also keep on saying this to my friends. Ahhh, the Universe had heard what I’m saying and granted my wish. We should really be careful what we wish for.

So now, everything is set for my flight. I just need to pack my stuff. I am trying to remove all negative thoughts and thinking that this is happening for a reason. I may not understand it now but for sure I will learn something from this. I wake up this morning with a headache but I immediately thanked God for the new day and prayed for a productive and beautiful day.

I hope you will also have a great day! Remember, a day above ground is always a good day. 🙂


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  1. lyn says:

    how was ur flight and ur passport? Does philippines immigration asked you about your passport?? Same problem with me..

    • Filipina Expat says:

      Going back to the Philippines was not an issue. Philippine Consulate said that even if your passport is tattered, immigration will let you in since your a Filipino national. The challenge is if you can get out of the country where you are currently are. If it’s really badly damaged and cannot be read, then you might need to appy for some travel documents from the PH embassy to just get out of country. Good luck!

  2. lyn says:

    I’m in Philippines going back to Thailand again. Tomorrow is my flight and I’m so worried about my passport. I already called the Philippines immigration and the officer said its okay i just need to present my OEC since im an OFW worker. Does immi officer questioned you? Thanks

  3. lyn says:

    During my stay in Thailand Nadamage na ung passport ko. Then I went back since March 24, Thai immi didnt questioned me at all, wala na palang rush, 10 working days na yung rush passport so I called DFA main, naipit kasi ako ng holy week and april 9 holiday, I needed to go back tomorrow kasi reporting na namin. I have visa and work permit, im married also with a thai so i have thai surname din.

  4. Filipina Expat says:

    When did you damage your passport? Habang nasa Pinas ka? And how badly damaged is it? I don’t think you will have an issue going out of the country. My concern is the Thailand immig. How lax are they? Some countries are very strict with regards to passport. But I guess since makita naman ng Thai immig na resident ka nila, i dont see any problem. Good luck! Hope you can update me.

  5. Filipina Expat says:

    Ahhh, i don’t think you will have an issue. And yes, ang pinaka urgent na processing time for passport renewal is 10 days. Nakiusap lang ako na gawin na 7 days since I need to fly back to Dubai. Apply ka na lang ng new passport pagdating mo sa Thailand. Don’t worry, you will be fine tomorrow. 🙂

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